Cartoon 31: News Buffet

Selected references: AllSides, Ad Fontes Media, The Hill, Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center.
Selected references: AllSides, Ad Fontes Media, The Hill, Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center.
Selected References: CNN, CBS News, Fandom, YouTube (Cornholio).
Jokes aside, COVID-19 is no joke, so please make sure to follow appropriate health precautions to protect yourself and the people around you from the novel coronavirus (but don’t hoard toilet paper!)
For information about COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 page which includes charts of COVID-19 case data for San Francisco.
Selected References: Wikipedia, Gallup, The Conversation, Topend Sports.
Correction: Since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election, the depicted 2016 electoral college results should include an asterisk, similar to the depicted 2000 result in which Al Gore won the popular vote.
Related post: Cartoon 6: The Forty-One Percent.
Selected References: Vox, National Geographic, Economist, Peter G. Peterson Foundation, The Balance, Sales Tax Handbook, Internal Revenue Service.
Acknowledgement: The main premise of this cartoon is based on the referenced tax article from The Economist which points out that “If you are a high earner in a rich country and you lack a good accountant, you probably spend about half the year working for the state. If you are an average earner, not even an accountant can spare you taxes on your payroll and spending.” In this context, “the state” includes all forms of government: federal, state, and local.
Selected References: Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, Chicago Public Schools, Constitution Center.
Selected References: Wikipedia, Washington Post, ESPN, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times.
Selected References: Wikipedia, United States Elections Project.